Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Wednesday, Wednesday, Wednesday!!!

FOR ONE DAY ONLY (not really)





Sometime Wednesday night, we will be posting opposing opinions on the MINIMUM WAGE issue.  In one corner, we have the spirited and astute Julio from Silicon Valley. In the other corner we have the clever and sharp Karl from Canada. Julio will presenting in favor of the minimum wage and Karl will be against it. I used a state-of-the-art random number generator ($0.25 coin) to assign each a position. Understand that they will do their best to defend their position whether or not they believe it - like O.J. Simpson's lawyers. We'll post both positions, pause for comments and let the rebuttals begin (if necessary). I will moderate. Let the insults debate begin!



  1. I got interested in the minimum wage issue after watching 30 Days. You can watch it at http://www.hulu.com/watch/5287/30-days-minimum-wage

  2. Do we get to ask questions before the concluding statements?

  3. Ask any question you want. I have not read their posts yet, but I expect some follow up to the original arguments. Lob them in now if you like.

  4. Ok here's one: Why should members of congress get pay increases to keep up with inflation if the poor don't get minimum wage increases?

  5. Thanks, Brett. I'll wait until they present their arguments though, so we can stay on point.

    - The commenter formerly known as Misanthrope

  6. "The commenter formerly known as Misanthrope"
    Thanks for that- I wouldn't have picked it up for a good while.

  7. Brett mentioned it but I just want to stress, the sides Julio and I argue might not be the sides we personally agree with. While I can't speak for Julio, these are the best arguments I can come up with. Don't be surprised or offended (in a kind of Life of Brian way, see below) if don't argue and I go "you know, you're probably right".

    Brian: How much? Quick!
    Merchant: What?
    Brian: It's for the wife.
    Merchant: Oh. Uh... Twenty shekels.
    Brian: Right.
    Merchant: What?
    Brian: There you are.
    Merchant: Wait a minute.
    Brian: What?
    Merchant: Well, we're, we're supposed to haggle.
    Brian: No, no, I've got to get...
    Merchant: What do you mean, no no no?
    Brian: I haven't time, I've got ...
    Merchant: Well give it back then.
    Brian: No, no, no I paid you.
    Merchant: Burt!

    [A large man stands up behind Brian, blocking his way out.]

    Burt: Yeah?
    Merchant: This bloke won't haggle.
    Burt: Won't haggle???
    Brian: All right... do we have to?

  8. Anyone who quotes Monty Python as a relevant point in an argument has the upper hand.

    Anyone who quotes Monty Python's Argument Clinic Sketch as a relevant point in an argument has ... well, won it, quite frankly.
