Monday, August 18, 2008

Why the Long Run?

Why do it?  Why add yet more noise to the cybertubechatterspace that already won't leave us alone with its 'male enhancement,' its 'acai berry blast' and its constant commentary on everything and everyone, then commentary on the commentary, and commentary on the commentary on the commentary?

Because the world needs a skeptical blog about finance and economics, that's why.  Because the dismal science is truly dismal, because human beings just seem to have no innate ability to understand even the most basic principles of probability and statistics, because I get dozens of Nigerian 411 scam e-mails every week, and because I just love to see my name up on the internet, that's why.

In this blog, we (myself and my fellow blogger, who will introduce himself in a separate post) will attempt to cover the world of finance, money, and yes, economics, from a skeptical point of view.  That means we'll use the tools of critical thinking to examine financial ideas and scams, get-rich-quick schemes, general misconceptions, pseduoscience and 'money-quackery.'  Along the way, we'll try to hit on some of the perhaps little understood concepts of how markets and money really work, or are really supposed to work, or maybe how they sometimes don't work the way they're supposed to.

What quailifies us to do this?  Hey, none of your business!!! I mean, uh, in my case, 19 years of experience as a Wall Streeter, trading, researching, even managing money occasionally.  19 years of watching central banks, traders, and other money people do what they do, say what they say, and do plenty of what they don't say they're doing or say they're not doing but do anyway.  Add to that a lifetime of skepticism, including a stint as Connecticut Chapter Chairman of the New England Skeptical Society and a slot in the Skeptics Guide to the Universe's Rogues Gallery Blog ( and you have what I think, if I do say so myself, is a pretty good recipe for a skeptical economics blogger.  I guess our readers will be the judges.  Hi Mom!

It was John Maynard Keynes who inspired the name of this blog, with his famous quotable quote that "in the long run, we're all dead."  Despite that, and until then, we'll do our best to fill this gap in the skeptical universe.  Let us know how we're doing.


  1. Help!!! Need...RSS Feed....can'

  2. You should be able to sign up for an RSS feed... I subscribed through the RSS button on Internet Explorer.

    UPDATE: The Meta widget has been added - you can sign up there.

  3. Glad to see this blog,

    I heard Jon B. speak on the Skeptics Guide and was excited to read through the SGU Rogues Gallery for past blog posts on economics to find sadly that he didn't ever really write on these topics. [sad face]

    I've been meaning to write and find out if you write on these topics anywhere but kids, house, job, wife, life...

    btw, Jon described one of those day-traders who stares at charts of penny stocks looking for patterns... guilty as charged, sir, guilty as charged. The only difference is I know it's gambling and not investing... but I still look at those damn charts.

  4. Skeptigator,

    Charts AND penny stocks! Wow, two of my favorites. At least your eyes are open.

  5. Are you still an alcoholic if you know you are an alcoholic? ;)
