Thursday, August 21, 2008

New Theme

Hey, what do you think of this new theme?  The old one allowed us to use the lovely artwork created by my 15-year old son, Quinn, but this one is a little clearer and shows the author's name even in the long version of the post.  I'm just trying it out - we might switch back.  Growing pains, you know.


  1. I like this theme more, but I too miss the header art. Trade offs are dumb. I came to this site from The Rogues Gallery and have to say that I like what you guys are doing here. Keep up the good work!

  2. The new theme is OK. It's a little harsh in my opinion.

    But I really hate the "Possibly related posts" section at the end of both themes. This adds nothing to the blog and doesn't really work. Because you have the word "theme" in the name of this post, it currently says "McCain Hits Celebrity Theme Again in New Radio Ad." That, of course, is not at all related to this post. And for what it's worth, I don't come to your site to find random links to other sites - I come here to read what *you* have to say! :)

  3. Really like the new theme! I too came here from Rogue's Gallery, all been interesting and informative so far! Keep it up!

  4. In reference to the 'possibly related posts' - I agree, they are just plain stupid, and I'd love to get rid of them, but I don't seem to be able to.
    UPDATE: Wrong again! I did it.

  5. Hey that's the theme I used for my old blog. Ah the memories!

  6. Good riddance to those 'possibly related posts'! We don't want readers to stray do we?
