For a laugh, or cry- or outrage- visit Lehman's official eBay store. Here you can buy all the left over corporate logo items the employees never had a chance to sport. Like the Lehman Brothers gym bag or the Lehman Brothers long vented umbrella. Not stately enough for you? Try the canvas & leather weekender bag or the "vineyard ties". Perhaps the silver plated baby rattle or Vinyard Vines Red White & Blue Tennis Scarves are more your fancy.
In case you are wondering, this eBay store is actually the official Lehman store selling unsold inventory from the corporate store. The proceeds go to pay Lehman's creditors, of which there seems to be no shortage. Of course, one could always buy the Lehman Brothers Herrington Teddy Bear and use it for target practice or burn the Lehman surplus stationary in effigy. Too bad they don't have Lehman playing cards or dice- wouldn't that be apropos? What is my favorite? Well, I actually have a set of Lehman Brothers Wine Accessories in Wooden Box. It was given to me years ago by, you guessed it, a Lehman salesperson. I used it to help calm my nerves that miserable week one year ago. I'm sure others did too.
That ebay site is a whole pile of awesome! I wish they would ship to Canada. I think I'd get some stuff. Totally.