Tuesday, November 25, 2008

A Favor

As people gather for holiday and end of year events, talk of the economy, bailouts and the stock market will likely replace political talk. Want to bet how many times you hear "It's the government/regulator's fault" or "It's too much regulation" or "bailout/don't bailout GM" or "they should let all the banks fail" accompanied by all sorts of wrong reasoning?  This is not only a perfect time to dispel myths, but also a great opportunity to spread TLRB's word. If you like what you read here, please recommend us to your friends and family. Our goal is to demystify economics and finance and turn a skeptical eye to all things monetary. A corollary to that goal is to continue growth in readership and impact as many people as possible.

So please spread the word. Even invite them to submit a question.

(If anyone is interested in a free bumper sticker, shoot us an email. I've been working on them.)

Enjoy the holiday. Thanks for reading.



  1. i would looove a free bumper sticker- to add to my family member rebuttal kit (holiday edition) found on this blog. :)

  2. Consider yourself pimped ;)
